Understanding the brain will require gathering and analyzing a huge amount of data on the structure and dynamics of its parts. Computational models can help consolidate this knowledge and provide deeper insights into neuronal function.
OSB links to the best publicly accessible data sources from the global neuroscience community
Computational models from individual cells to whole brains can be built and compared to data using OSB
Advanced software for analyzing and visualizing data and models is preinstalled on OSB, and you can add your own!
Repositories contain data and models from community-shared resources like GitHub, Figshare and DANDI
Workspaces are persistent online spaces where users can carry out and save their work. They can be private or shared with the community
Applications Open your workspaces in any of the supported OSB applications, such as NWB Explorer, NetPyNE and JupyterLab
OSB facilitates access to public resources in neuroscience (data, models, code) and allows them to be saved, modified and visualised in a number of interactive applications
NetPyNE. Develop, simulate and analyse detailed neuronal network models using an intuitive graphical user interface
Learn moreNWB Explorer. Interactively visualise and analyse experimental data in the NWB format.
Learn moreJupyterLab. A general purpose Python integrated development environment with the libraries you need preinstalled.
Learn moreOSBv1. The OSBv1 3D interface is still available for visualizing and running NeuroML models.
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